The 300 Clip Instant Access System consists of the ST300-SSM VTR Controller, ST420 SHOTBOX and Shotlist Software. The ST300 controls up to 4 video channels individually or ganged. The Video Server must support Louth Automation Protocol. SHOTLIST provides fast access to existing video clips stored in Grass Valley Group PROFILE, LEITCH VR or other DDR / VDR / Video Servers supporting Louth Automation Protocol. The SHOTLIST can contain up to 300 CLIP IDs, stored in non-volatile memory in the ST300. Upon receipt of the LEARN command, the ST300 saves the CLIP IDs of the currently loaded clips, the current time of each clip, the VTRs they are loaded on and the current GANG mode, into the appropriate Cue Point.
- Throughout this manual, VTR, DDR, VDR & Video Server will be referred to collectively as "Video Server"
- The ST300-S/SM is referred to as the ST300
- The ST420 SHOTBOX is referred to as "SHOTBOX"
- SHOTKEY refers to the 1-30 switches on the SHOTBOX
- Words surrounded by brackets, for example, [ENTER], are keys on the ST300 or the SHOTBOX
- [XXX] + [XXX] means hold the two keys down simultaneously